The present climate of chaos has caused us all to search for solutions. Problem solving requires method. We are proud to announce the arrival of a methodology, refined for nearly a decade, which has passed the points of development from which there is no return. The time has come, as predicted by Nostradamus, for those "that will have the resposibility to break down temples and sects altered through fantasy, (and) will come to harm more rocks than the living, through (their) ornate language, ears will continuously be filled." The union of two individuals has placed the future on a near horizon; one a powerful force of creation whose raw, crude energy can stab its way through conscious barriers - and the other - a subtle but powerful catalyst who demonstates constructive power. Introducing Lyracane, the angels who support our visible world and the one to one to come, spark into action with immediate exuberant impulses as musical inspiration for all. They embody the minimization of limitation and assert an emphasis on actualized potential that has opened the way for new possibility.
Don't Tell Me - Stimulus Lyracane Sample Gennessee & Stimulus freestyle (8/17/01)