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These Chinese who are bloodier, dirtier, more depraved than the Japanese military during the rape of Nanking in World War II have stepped over their countless innocent victims.

Profession: ..
These Chinese who are bloodier, dirtier, more depraved than the Japanese military during the rape of Nanking in World War II have stepped over their countless innocent victims. Don’to be fooled because China is extremely low class: they are not human. Using technology China has infiltrated all places in this world utilizing inhumane methods to terrorize innocent laborers and establishing a stable of their demons (politicians, reporters) who slaughter throughout the free world.

About Me:
I (and many of my relatives and acquaintances) are currently under siege by China through the use of unknown technology infiltrating our brains. Extremely underhanded and inhumane methods have been maliciously exterminating me 24 hours a day for the past 9 years by the increasingly violent and depraved Nazi China (China is not democratic as stated by the kiss ass Ma Ying-Jeou). My allegations against China are that through Google search related information can be found for my blog, but on ning my account is partially blocked by the administrator and I do not know when I will be banned from NING. I pray that the world and future generations can understand the neverending violence and genocide carried out by China.
Chen,Shun-Chuan ( 陳順銓 ) Republic of China (Taiwan)

The purpose of this email is to make certain accusations against the Chinese government and my cry for help. Thank you for your time and your help will be highly appreciated.

Are you aware that the news you are watching is interlaced with Communist China's propaganda,as Communist China maps a realm of news with innocent lives?
Communist China is scheming a millennial terrorist activity by manipulating people's behaviors through "electromagnetic waves" to contain criticism and harm innocent human lives.

1. The anomaly in community traffic of cars and motorcycles and drag racing,and reckless honking by cars and motorcycles is exceeding an unprecedented level.
2. Communist China has the technology to scan the human brain waves through military satellite and to discern and decipher their thoughts,scheming to instill individual interference focusing on each individual in need using the satellite electromagnetic waves.
3. Deploying electromagnetic waves is poised to project onto the human brain with certain sounds for the perception of grossly traumatizing or startling pain,or deploying the broadcast of noise via electromagnetic waves in sleeping humans with edited clips of films or through voice or image signals onto our brains or besiege our sensory functions with fabricated audible and sensory illusions.
4. It manipulates one's moods,such as smiling,nervousness,disgust,panic,anger,sorrow,desires,appetite,and so forth.
5. It interferes the human brain's thinking capability,memory or linguistic capability,to name a few,causing spasms of muscles and fingers in the left and right hands,stinging aches throughout the body,coughing,yawning,trembling,involuntary blinking of the eye,runny nose and so forth.
6. Electromagnetic waves are deployed to hinder the motoring functions of the body and neck,disrupt the heartbeat or respiration,manipulate dizziness,deprive one's sleep,spasm,saliva gland,dental neural pain,etc.
7. Watch out that Communist China is infiltrating the news media by deploying electromagnetic waves to besiege the broadcast media,map out viral disillusion or erroneous perception,and investigate threats of brainwashing in viral spreading.
8. It further moved to deploy various symptoms in what one sees of media icons,gesture terms,adding a skewed interpretation to one's cognitive awareness,misleading an individual to hallucinate or suffer,such as the North Korean's rigid smile,which is a tactic Communist China often deploys to counter the people.
9. By observing the resolution accuracy of Communist China's sound and image (scenario) interference projected onto the human's brain,this can only be achieved with a certain level of frequencies at the source of interference,hence there is no doubt that it has to be the electromagnetic wave. Yet questions remain as to what range of frequencies the source of interference deploys,or what kind of electromagnetic waves insulation chamber would suffice to provide an insulation yield? Communist China might deploy specific metal alloys as small scale molecular antennas, which are attached to the human brain in large number,creating electromagnetic waves when the human brain is in function,where the current created by Communist China's electromagnetic interference would poise to amplify in a staggering number of multiplication,which Communist China can detect at all times to discern and muscles would excel the generation of electrode,which in turn create a corresponding electromagnetic wave within.
10. Some of Communist China's intimidation experiences in 2002:6.9 "Hey,are you tired of living?"6.14 "We had concocted the bombing incident at the U.S. embassy in Pakistan" "Jiang Zhemin ordered us to kill you,but without creating scenes"6.16 "The Pakistani civilian troops confessed that they had schemed the bombing of the U.S. embassy in Pakistan,which we had manipulated them to confess,so what are you going to do about it?"6.19 "Hey,why don't you just go ahead and commit suicide""We are going to scheme murder using the public bus"6.20 "Commit suicide by burning charcoal,get it?"6.25 "Jiang Zhemin just does not like you,go hit your head against the wall".
11. I reckon that there are victims abound out in the street,no less alarming than wars,and those not in the know or did not understand that Communist China's simple electromagnetic design could easily turn people against each other,create moving incidents,little lese to say mislead the youth to broach down the wrong path,suicidal prompting,design and fabrication of a host of society news (which Communication China refers to as movie making),as Communist China has had a decade long of the technology,and has long abused its technological advantages to scheme up design of abusing human lives by arranging fabricated news to poison and infiltrate the free world,manipulate and misguide the contents of the media,and deploy brainwashing and malicious spread of viruses,done with insinuation and riddles.The fact that Communist China's slaughtering the innocent had been the result of a high level of calculation,and a high level of rationalization,where the threats are in existence,and cannot be ignored of their detrimental severity.
12. Communist China often coerce people to watch news compiled by the reporter Lu Yuling of the cable news in order for them to be saved,but few are aware that Communist China had merely deploy the reporter to entrap many people. I do envision that those that turn to committing crime as framed by Communist China,the extra sufferings by the ordinary people,and the deaths of many innocent lives will not go unnoticed as hindered by a condoning attitude.
13. Nazi Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Chinese Liberation Army, security police and armed police have committed suppression and massacre on their own civilians. Hu, Jiang and the other atrocious butchers owe these innocent civilians! More horrible and serious is that they are using mysterious killing technologies to cause harms to human brains around the world, making advantage of numerous international politicians and journalists to help them commit atrocities and beautify their actions, aiming to overturn and suppress those innocent people and cover up their terrorist acts and win fame by cheating the world. Securing in the knowledge that they have strong backing, these arrogant and shameless butchers have committed tortures and mass killing cruelly to those innocent ones around the world. Unfortunately, neither these politicians and nor journalists knowing what is what would dare to express their conscience.
14. The inhumane acts and atrocities committed by Nazi China are far more vicious than that of Nanjing massacre in China during WWII committed by Japanese army, as Chinese government is using mysterious technologies to commit massacres to masses of bare-handed civilians around the world as well as launch violence and terrorist activities to suppress these completely unarmed people’s freedom of speech. These demons, like Hu, Jinag and Chinese Liberation Army, despise the chastity, dignity and precious life of those innocent ones and suppress the emotions of their beloved. Meanwhile, relying on the condition that most of people in the world will not be able to witness their vicious acts of violence and behaviors they have committed unscrupulously and shamelessly, these Chinese Liberation Army enjoys using cruel ways to torture, massacre and trample on these innocent people, physically and mentally, in one free world. The arrogant Hu, Jiang and those jackals nurtured under such ferocious power treat themselves as the symbol of benevolence and hero, as they fail to learn their gutless and vicious acts to trample on those innocent people. If these demons, butchers and dregs of human, such as Hu, Jiang and Chinese Liberation Army who have become frenzied and conscienceless appeared in the site of Nanjing massacre in WWII, they definitely would be the leading roles to act atrocities!
15. We don’t want to see masses of innocent people to fall victim to the hell on earth built by red China where they will be susceptible to tortures and massacres for thousands of years.
16. Despite being even unable to fend for themselves in face of the high-tech detriments and attacks from China, we can not tolerate the fact that these politicians and journalists will become the accomplices to help China commit its terrorist acts and suppression on these innocent people in the current era or an unknown future.
17. In view of the notorious, vicious and sinister Hu, Jiang, Chinese Liberation Army with blood-stained hands, we just cast doubt over whether these greats of knowing what is what who have negotiated with these demons will show their conscience to save these innocent civilians or will act just for the sake of their profits, or are under the control of China. In this current drowned world, how will these innocent lives be treated in face of the atrocious acts committed by these diabolical figures, or when these innocent people will witness the practice of democracy in China? Will these phenomena turn out to be the joint efforts and endeavors achieved by China and those powerful figures in the world? Are we really dedicated to overturning such adversity? Our goal is to eliminate the vicious power one day with our strenuous efforts, and we absolutely will achieve it!

Chen,Shun-Chuan 2002.10.13* Republic of China (Taiwan)

比二戰南京大屠殺日軍更血腥、齷齪、喪盡天良、禽獸的屠夫中國鬼子 , 踩著被他們屠殺無辜的我們同胞頭顱而崛起的納粹中國 , 不要被有心人士騙了中國是極端下賤的 , 他們不是人-中國侵腦科技極大規模侵略世界各地 , 使用慘無人道下賤的方法對自由世界數億手無寸鐵無辜平民施工、漫山遍野極囂張的恐怖活動、極端殘酷非人道暴力、在自由世界大屠殺、在自由世界養妖魔鬼怪(政客、記者)

關於我 : 我(還有親戚家人非常多我認識的人)正遭受到中國利用不知名科技很恐怖地侵害我們的頭腦 , 我並且正受到越來越變態的鬼納粹中國(中國沒有馬英九講的拍馬屁變民主)使用極端下賤的方法9年每天24小時非常非人道下賤的很嚴重糟蹋、滅絕、干擾頭腦、覆蓋、追殺、惡意程式、栽罪、變態暴虐(有生命危險)... 我對中國政府的指控 , 在Google搜尋我名字可以找到一些相關的我的部落格...
Republic of China (Taiwan)



二.共匪有科技可利用軍事衛星,偵測人腦腦電磁波,進而解讀,知道其思想,使用衛星電磁波,針對其需要的每個人,做個別之干擾. 三.利用電磁波,使人腦對某些的聲音感到嚴重驚悸.困噩.痛苦,或播放雜音,使用電磁波在人睡夢中,撥放剪接編輯的特製影片,或傳遞語言.影像.訊息與我們腦海,或做覆蓋於我們所見所聽製造幻聽.幻覺.
十一.我認為滿街都有受害者,不比戰爭,不明白不知道的,中共畜生簡單電磁波設計,就可使人反目,製造車禍,更甭說一年青人的誤入歧途, 自殺的加工,設計製造的種種社會新聞(中共自稱拍電影),中共擁有這科技超過十六年,長年濫用科技優勢,草菅人命設計安排「加工製造新聞」,腥風血雨滲透破壞自由世界,箝制操弄泰半傳媒內容,行洗腦.恐嚇.散病毒(話中有話,看圖說故事...),中共任何屠殺無辜的事實,都是經過高度的計算,高度的合理化,這些威脅都是確實存在!千萬不要輕忽嚴重性!
十七.98年被中共恐嚇經驗,1.16「陳雅琳覺得這次欸(ㄟˋ)才搞到10萬倍個太小意思」1.17「欸的始作俑者是三立新聞媒體欸」1.20「盧宥伶最擅長的是恐嚇」 6.29「全台灣就你一個不怕他們害他們記者越來越不像恐怖組織」7.6「你最大的功勞就是打草驚蛇警察最大的功勞就是把賣國賊記者化妝成媽祖」7.11「林益如說她要全部的記者英雄和政治人物英雄都不要理你的求救剛好而已」7.11「我們要讓你嘗盡被記者出賣的快感」7.11「大道奈緒要你不要講記者對你精神虐待不然她們和馬英九會要你家破人亡」7.15「人家在百貨公司打球百貨公司處理就可以TVBS鄭凱云要把這個拿來炒作威懾平民不然你怎麼樣」7.17「劉麗惠說她是因為知道你被大陸精神虐待最嚴重所以才連播彰化新聞數年」8.20「中國屠殺台灣人和捐錢給88災民tvbs選擇只大量強調中國多好心不然你怎麼樣白癡」8.22「你那麼挑剔tvbs那麼tvbs偷偷把災民(88水災)分成支持馬英九和討厭馬英九的可以吧」9.20「李豔秋說民進黨沒出息知道了嗎」9.27「馬英九把熱比婭當恐怖份子中國當英雄不可以嗎」

陳順銓 中華民國 98.9.27

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