Directed by Doug Pray and released in 2001 the film explores the world of the hip-hop DJ. From the birth of hip-hop, when pioneering DJ's began extending breaks on their party records (which helped inspire break dancing and rap), to the invention of scratching and beat-juggling vinyl, to its more recent explosion as a musical movement called turntablism, it's a story of unknown underdogs and serious virtuosos who have radically changed the way we hear, play and create music.
Featuring interviews with :
Grand Wizard Theodore, Afrika Bambaataa, Grand Master Flash, DJ Flare, DJ Craze along with DJ Jazzy Jay, DJ Premier, Dilated Peoples and many others
Best guide to hip hop, soul, reggae concerts & events in San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles & New York City + music, videos, radio and more
Tower of Power
Saturday, Dec 21 @ Fox Theater, Oakland
Raheem DeVaughn
Friday-Saturday, Jan 10-11
Lalah Hathaway
Friday-Sunday, Jan 24-26
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